Tuesday, October 25, 2011

rough draft

Slums Positive Or Negitive Affect?

     When I here the word slums i think unsanitary places that give off diseases and arent a good place for people to live in.A slum is a place people live in but it is at your own risk because its like living in flith is very bad place to live in. Slums have a negative effect on human populatiuons because slums are over crowded, unsanitary, and the people who inhabit slums live in poor conditiions. Slums usaually have poor people because its cheap and has a roof over there head.

     Slums are very dangerous because you can get sick with diseases in the mud that is on the ground but like they say "slum life is cheep."some of the people dont have a good job and cant support there kid or kids that they have so they have to find a cheap place to stay. The slums are also very over crowded.

     Since the slums are cheep alot of people rush over to the slums to say. The people in slums can find good though. Some people in the slums say "'Im not the only person who maybe poor." They feel like they all belong and feel better. I belive that slums can also affected the population because people dont have an exeuse to not afford another child the can just go to the slum and rasie there more kids there.

     Some people even though they live in a ugly diseases place some find good. Emmy this women from the passage makes her daughter and son lunch and takes them to school she says "she and her two daughters live in a tiny shack...she says she finds kindness in the slum." This quote means that even though this slum isnt the best place to live in she finds good and peace and makes her family happy. The slums even get so bad that they use a platic to go in and out it out side.

     The slum can be very over popualted and full of disesases some find ways of leaving and others find peace. Slums have a negative effect on human popualtion because slums and are over-crowded unsanitary, and the people who in habit slums live in poor condition. People over-crowd the slums but find ways to live in over populated sulms and some are ok with it. Its funny on how even its a really place most people dont like to live in, some would make it work.

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