Tuesday, November 1, 2011

digital access

  1. America Offline-now that i cant afford the internet i can have america offline and not worry about it anymore       digital divide-those household have a digital divide because they have a gap.
  2. Unequal Access-not all people can have access they have unequal access because of what class there in.
  3. Innovators- are people who are usually smart because and sometime open up areas.
  4. What are the options for better Access?you can have a better class and come together and work together to get better access
  5. Explain the Final Recommendations?the last one to recommed something 
  6. What could be done to increase internet access and create more choices for communities nationwide?you can get people together
  7. What actions need to be taken to keep the internet open for users and innovators?you can have everyone see that everyone agees and cares

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

rough draft

Slums Positive Or Negitive Affect?

     When I here the word slums i think unsanitary places that give off diseases and arent a good place for people to live in.A slum is a place people live in but it is at your own risk because its like living in flith is very bad place to live in. Slums have a negative effect on human populatiuons because slums are over crowded, unsanitary, and the people who inhabit slums live in poor conditiions. Slums usaually have poor people because its cheap and has a roof over there head.

     Slums are very dangerous because you can get sick with diseases in the mud that is on the ground but like they say "slum life is cheep."some of the people dont have a good job and cant support there kid or kids that they have so they have to find a cheap place to stay. The slums are also very over crowded.

     Since the slums are cheep alot of people rush over to the slums to say. The people in slums can find good though. Some people in the slums say "'Im not the only person who maybe poor." They feel like they all belong and feel better. I belive that slums can also affected the population because people dont have an exeuse to not afford another child the can just go to the slum and rasie there more kids there.

     Some people even though they live in a ugly diseases place some find good. Emmy this women from the passage makes her daughter and son lunch and takes them to school she says "she and her two daughters live in a tiny shack...she says she finds kindness in the slum." This quote means that even though this slum isnt the best place to live in she finds good and peace and makes her family happy. The slums even get so bad that they use a platic to go in and out it out side.

     The slum can be very over popualted and full of disesases some find ways of leaving and others find peace. Slums have a negative effect on human popualtion because slums and are over-crowded unsanitary, and the people who in habit slums live in poor condition. People over-crowd the slums but find ways to live in over populated sulms and some are ok with it. Its funny on how even its a really place most people dont like to live in, some would make it work.


1.today she was very stubborned but later acted etiquette. 2.his behavior was well it was conduct. 3.she used to behave very ugly but now shes courtesy. 4.everyone went to the wedsite flame and posted a message.5. this person tagged the school but only certain people knew so he remained anonymous.6. the couple always texted and they used emoticon.6.when she goes on the internet she has to use the url.7.they kids use and and or so they use boolean search.8.they teens always sms to each other communicate.9.they way she writes has such an awsome tone.10.when shes listen to music shes so obvious shes always dancing.11.she behaved very bad and unethecial.12.they sister of her was very ethcaical and oppsite.13.her borther was mean and very good troll.14.she wasnt legal in this country.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


today these 6ths graders did well the got all the questions right and really like the game two of theme enjoyed they game.

Monday, October 17, 2011

reflection after testing

i had tested my 6th grader and he got 3/5 questions right a 

75% which i thought was pretty good.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I have made my 6th grader survey questions already and i will be testing them soon hopefully thursday if possiable. i will ask them questions and maybe give them a study guide so they can know at least what there going to answer and it might help them.

suvery for 6th grade

MYP design cycle 6th grade survey
1.What is the 1st step in the design cycle?*investagte
2.What is the 2nd step in the design cycle?*plan
3.What is the 3rd step in the design cycle?*create
4.What is the 4th step in the design cycle?*evaluate
5.How many steps are in the design cycle?*4

where i am at

     I am at evaluate and then i am finished i almost done and am very happy to see my progress. i need to finish my survey and then i will be done with my design cycle project.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

my game 1

my game is about the design cycle and if you really know your design cycle. it gives you questions that are easy yet very challenging try it out when you have a chance it will help you in techology. it helps and its fun and easy to play. when you try it out make sure you at least know what to do and at least know some questions. 


my game 1

Thursday, September 29, 2011

9/28- Day 1 60 minutes--survey 6th graders
9/29-Day 2- 60 minutes--explain questions 
10/1-Day3-60 minutes--gather scores
10/2-Day4-60 minutes-see results
10/3 Day 5--60minutes-check add questions
10/4-day 6-60 minutes--post
10/5-Day7-60 minutes play test game
Design Specifications:
*make it clear
*good questions
*good music
*no more than 30 seconds for each question

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

 10. Write a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom you are making it 
  im going to make a game for the  6th graders and hope they would enjoy it i will make it deatiled and give them chances.

Formulate a Design Specification
11. What are the requirements for this assignment? 
  i want to make my game ten questions and have them get to a higher level as they go.
12. What are the limitations you have with this assignment?
  i will have the each questions time and i want to see if they really know there design cycle.
13. How will you "test" your project?
* i want them to have a mini study guide in the begining so they can have an idea of what to do.
*i also dont want it to be too difficult.
  i want to give them 15 questions and if they can anser or know at least 10 i know they will be able to to my game.

Monday, September 19, 2011

create a game

     I made 2 graphs on the two programs i looked at one was called create a game you can make a GAME for the design cycle. They each had a section for the games music sketch video as in anmation. the first graph equaled to 14. The game rated was a 3 because i liked i but want to make it better. The video anmation was a 2 because it could be alot better i want to make this game very creative and educational.i also want some hard rounds so everything in the game will change the sence to i want the whole game top be different and fun at the same time it will be educational and fun and they will learn from. I want them to get in to the game as they go and get a very high score i might just put they high score chart and see who can get the highest score in there class and whoever else wants to play. i hope they will enjoy it and learn from it.
    The MUSIC was rated a 4 because i really enjoyed it but i want to make it a lot better the music needs to be fun and creative. I want the music to be fun and loud so they can get into the game. I also want it to be fun as they play and when play and theres a hard round they music will get faster as the game gets harder. The music will change as the level goes the easiest will be the softest as they go it will get louder and more intense. I want the music to be good because i know thats what gets me into the game.
     The VIDEO is like the sence and how it would look thats one of the most important one it needs to be good and intersting so they will want to play. I rated it a 2 because it can be better i want it to be fun also. Also look very educational. i want it to be like a stick figure and as they get a higher score he goes up and if they miss a question they fall. I also want them to have a study guide in the beginging if possiable.
      The SKETCH was rated a 5 because they were really creative and nice. I really liked it that was also has to be really nice because it was very detailed and creative. That has capture the 6th graders attention i want it to be colorful and nice i want details because they little things matter to. They 6ths graders are really young and they will like pretty attractive things i think they would like a game thats fun and detail and nice. i also overall want it to look smart and for them to learn from it.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


    Well after all I looked I decided I wanted to create a game for the 6th graders. I saw some games i could do that look like fun and that they would really enjoy it. I want my game to be fun and entertaing and educatinal and easy to play so they can understand the game. The game should also be able to show them what there supposed to learn and help them. I hope they like it i will ask to see what they want to see in a game also. They game is going tot inculde either a adventue game or a abc choice game. my goal is for the 6th graders to understand and enjoy the game and want to play it over and over.
   I would want to show and make them understand the game and for it to be fun for them. I will hope they have fun and want to play they game i want my games to be graphic and creative.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Design Folder

Area of Interaction: Community and Service , Approaches to Learning & Human Ingenuity
Significant Concept: Design Cycle can be used to solve problems
Unit Question: How can my learning help my community? How do I make Sound Choices?
INVESTIGATE: (Write in complete sentences) Identify the Problem
1. What is the problem you need to solve? Explain to a 6th grader what the design cycle is all about by creating a presentation. (3d, PPT, movie, game, Poster)when need to show exactly how the design cycle works to a 6th grader.
2. How does the Design Cycle apply to the real world?it shows how to answer step by step in an order matter
3. How will this project serve my community?it will show that they know steps and can help when your working or especially in computers
4. How can my learning help my community?i will be able to teach this part.
5. How do we live in relation to each other?we sometimes work the sam in the design cycle.

6. How does this help others?it will show them how to work in order and get a good grade.
7. What are the requirements for this assignment?to show a 6th grader the design cycle.
8. What is the Design Cycle?it has several parts there are create plan investigate and evaluate and deign.they each come together and work.
REFLECT on your learning.
Day 2
9. Spend one day experimenting with DESIGN CYCLE your presentation. List five things your learned about the Design Cycle:well when you plan you think about what your going to do and when you create you make and when you investiagte you think and when you design you start making.
Day 3
Design Brief
10. Write a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom you are making it.
Formulate a Design Specification
11. What are the requirements for this assignment?
12. What are the limitations you have with this assignment?
13. How will you "test" your presentation?
14. Brainstorm ideas. Use the chart below
IB Brainstorming Chart .pdf found in schoology under “materials”& then files
15. What idea did you choose to demonstrate the design cycle and why did you choose it?
16. Does your idea meet all of the requirements?
17. Use the story board paper below to plan your presentation.  Include how many levels you will have, what will be on each level, how will you include teaching skills to young students, and what will your questions be about.
story board.pdf found in schoology under “materials” & then files.
18. Explain how you will use your time to get your project finished in 12 days:
REFLECT on your learning
20. How could you improve your presentation?
21. Does your presentation meet all of the requirements?
22. Share your presentation with at least 2-8th, 3-9th, 4-10th+ friends. What did he/she like about your presentation?
23. Reflect on all the steps of the Design Cycle. What did you do well? What do you need to improve?
24. Were you responsible in using the software, Internet, pictures, and computer?
25. How can my learning help my community?
26. What grade do you deserve on this project? (1 - 6)

27. Reflect on your attitude on each step of the Design Cycle. Did you completely answer each step without complaining, being a whiny baby, or saying "it's too hard". Explain your answer:
28. What grade do you deserve on your attitude? (1 - 6)